Energy as a clever way of participation.

Based on a growing need of energy, the particitpation in a solar power station works excellent in two ways. The produced eco energy is a trend  and the request is rising. In addition green investment strenghtens the environment and the local economy.

We think into a liveable future – far beyond the boarders of Austria

Our solar power stations are situated in Austria, Greek and Slovenia. Additional projects are added continuously, since we register a rising need of energy.

Peter Adlrian, owner and founder of MC Capital explains: „A new age of capital has begun. Old fashioned participations work no longer. Our enconomy is subject to a current change. Our type of investment offers you a perspective to do best to the environment and to invest your capital in an efficient way.“

„I would put my money on the sun and solar technology. What a source of energy!“

Thomas Alva Edison, Inventor and Businessman