Strong Partners

„Klimabündnis“ - clime alliance
The clime alliance is an institution for the protection of the world’s clime. It was founded in 1990 in Frankfurt and unites meanwhile more than 1.600 communities and cities in 24 European countries wiht the indigene nations of South America. Since 1993, in this framework of this partnership the clime alliance Austria unites indigenes nations of the Upper Rio Negro at the outermost northwest of Brasil.
Communities, firms and educational establishments can participate in the clime alliance.
The common goal is the reduction of the climate-damaging heat-trapping gas emission in Europe by using the initiatives of clime protection and the preservation of the rain forest of our indigene partners.
We think into the future – far beyond the boarders of Austria
During our work im Austria we focus on the information and upcoming awareness, networking and education of partners oft he clime alliance. N addition we manage projects and campaigns for:
- energy
- mobility
- soil protection / area planning
- public provision
- agriculture / nutrition / sustainable lifestyle
justice for the clime / cooperation for development